Daniela Hoff - Vortexhealing - Meditation - Transformation

Receiving – VortexHealing® & Meditation

Wednesday, January 29th, 1:30pm – 2:30pm EST (6:30pm UK)

The new year is here. We have left the old behind. Perhaps we have been able to let go of a certain things in our lives, externally or internally. Perhaps we have even worked specifically on letting go. And now? What do we fill this new space with, that is opening up? Are we able to receive? Sometimes maybe, but are there times when things are a bit stuck? Do we manage to manifest what we want to bring into our lives, or does it often seem to be blocked? How do we experience our environment – are there many people or circumstances that offer us something to receive, or are we always the ones who give to others? And if someone wants to give to us, is it easy to receive or rather not so much? Difficulties in manifesting or receiving can show up in different ways. Often we have inherited patterns from our parents, have experienced wounds or trauma, or we bring patterns from past lifetimes with us. All of this can block and limit us, even if we are often not aware.
We will look at where our blockages are, release and transform, and bring more energy of receiving into our lives.

We will use VortexHealing® Energy Healing (Magical Jewel, the highest available level), which is working with Divine Light and Consciousness, but other modalities might influence the session as well.

To join the healing, simply relax and receive, there is no call in. You will receive directions before and feedback afterwards.

Energy exchange: Your choice of €14 – €24 via paypal. Click here to go to paypal.

Register Below.

Limited Spaces.

Please register at least 60 minutes before hand, so I can include you for the healing and you will receive directions.

Register here

    Daniela Hoff - Energy healing

    Energy Exchange: Your choice of €14 – €24.

    The Group Healings are mainly using the tools of VortexHealing® Energy Healing, but other modalities might influence the sessions as well.
    VortexHealing® works with the transformational power of divine light and consciousness and can impact and release extremely deep levels of physical, emotional and karmic issues, and all aspects of the body’s energy system.
    It supports you in clearing out old limiting energy patterns, blocks and issues, and supports you in empowering and balancing your life.
    VortexHealing® is deeply transformational, strengthening and balancing the bodys energy systems, while deepening the individual Divine Connection.

    Each session is different and is guided by the energy field of the group.
    The healings can be very powerful and deep and are often felt days after the actual session.
    Everybody experiences the healings differently, for some it might be very deep and strong at the time, others experience gentle and soft energetic support.

    For a Distance Healing, it is advisable to find a quiet place to receive and fully enjoy the session.

    ® „VortexHealing“ is a registered service mark of Ric Weinman. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information visit www.vortexhealing.org.

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