Self-Worth – VortexHealing® & Meditation
Wednesday, February 26th, 1:30pm – 2:30pm EST (6:30pm UK)
In this healing we look at self-worth.
Low self-worth can limit us in many areas of our lives. If we have low self-worth, it can be difficult to open up to new things, to grow, to manifest, to reach our full potential. We hurt ourselves.
Often we carry old patterns, patterns from early childhood that are triggered, patterns such as “I’m not good enough”, “I can’t”, “the others are better”… As long as these patterns exist, it is difficult to manifest abundance and success in our lives, or the life that we want to live. This can show up in many areas, for example relationships, job, quality of life, body image, addictive behavior, etc.
We will look at blockages and release and transform them. We will bring more energy into our lives, that will strengthen our self-worth.
We will use VortexHealing® Energy Healing (Magical Jewel, the highest available level), which is working with Divine Light and Consciousness, but other modalities might influence the session as well.
To join the healing, simply relax and receive, there is no call in. You will receive directions before and feedback afterwards.
Energy exchange: Your choice of €14 – €24 via paypal. Click here to go to paypal.
Register Below.
Limited Spaces.
Please register at least 60 minutes before hand, so I can include you for the healing and send you directions before.
Register here
The Group Healings are mainly using the tools of VortexHealing® Energy Healing, but other modalities might influence the sessions as well.
VortexHealing® works with the transformational power of divine light and consciousness and can impact and release extremely deep levels of physical, emotional and karmic issues, and all aspects of the body’s energy system.
It supports you in clearing out old limiting energy patterns, blocks and issues, and supports you in empowering and balancing your life.
VortexHealing® is deeply transformational, strengthening and balancing the bodys energy systems, while deepening the individual Divine Connection.
Each session is different and is guided by the energy field of the group.
The healings can be very powerful and deep and are often felt days after the actual session.
Everybody experiences the healings differently, for some it might be very deep and strong at the time, others experience gentle and soft energetic support.
For a Distance Healing, it is advisable to find a quiet place to receive and fully enjoy the session.
® „VortexHealing“ is a registered service mark of Ric Weinman. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information visit www.vortexhealing.org.