21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing®

Every day you will find the new meditations for the current day and also the recordings of the live webinars added here. There will be one version with and one without music – choose whichever works best for you. If you would like to download the meditations you can do so here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/grf5cs8dwxkbze79g3a90/AMiN6YAXfZdWkexfZ7cM2Bw?rlkey=dy003cq9ndtomkyrsmdiyup7w&dl=0

Week 1

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 1 (live webinar)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 2 Earth

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 2 Earth (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 3 Source 

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 3 Source (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 4 Heart connection 

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 4 Heart connection (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 5 Safety and boundaries 

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 5 Safety and boundaries (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 6 Angels

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 6 Angels (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 7 Connecting with another person

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 7 Connecting with another person (without music)

Week 2

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 8 Transformation in the heart

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 8 Transformation in the heart (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 9 Cutting Cords 

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 9 Cutting Cords (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 10 Letting go 

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 10 Letting go (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 11 Birth 

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 11 Birth (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 12 Self-Love 

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 12 Self-Love (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 13 Fragments 

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 13 Fragments (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 14 Peace 

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 14 Peace (without music)

Week 3

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 15 3rd Eye

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 15 3rd Eye (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 16 Silence

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 16 Silence (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 17 Outer perspective

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 17 Outer perspective (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 18 Before Birth

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 18 Before Birth (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 19 Gratitude 

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 19 Gratitude (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 20 Manifesting

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 20 Manifesting (without music)

Daniela Hoff - Meditation

21 Days of Meditation & VortexHealing® – Day 21 – live webinar

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And no worries, you can unsubscribe at any time.
