Integrated Energy Therapy® Training

Basic Level Integrated Energy Therapy® Training

Date: New dates coming soon.
Time: 3:30pm-9:30pm (registration starts at 3:15pm)
Location: Essen, Germany
Fee: €155 ( €470, for Basic, Intermediate & Advanced together – safe €15 per class)
Prerequisite: none
For more info go here.

Intermediate Integrated Energy Therapy® Training

Date: New date coming soon.
Time: 10am-6pm
Location: Essen, Germany
Fee: €175 ( €470, for Basic, Intermediate & Advanced together – safe €15 per class)
Prerequisite: Basic Level Integrated Energy Therapy®
For more info go here.

Advanced Level Integrated Energy Therapy® Training

Date: New date coming soon.
Time: 10am-6pm
Location: Essen, Germany
Fee: €185 ( €470, for Basic, Intermediate & Advanced together – safe €15 per class)
Prerequisite: Intermediate Level Integrated Energy Therapy®
For more info go here

Register here (to complete your registration and secure a space, please choose one of the below payment options):

    Payment Options:

    Full amount Basic Training €155

    Full amount Intermediate Training €175

    Full amount Advanced Training €185

    Non-refundable deposit of €45
    (pay balance later via paypal or in cash at the location)

    IET Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Level combined €470 (safe €45)

    Subscribe and Stay Informed

    And no worries, you can unsubscribe at any time.
