Media Library

Here you can find a selection of free videos with meditation and energy healing.

Discover the benefits of meditation for your mind, body and soul. Meditating regularly can greatly improve our quality of life. We become calmer and more relaxed, our sleep rhythm and our general health often improve. Different meditations can support us differently and have different effects on us. We can experience peace, relaxation, stress relief, mindfulness, a deeper connection to ourselves, a connection to the spirit world, transformation and new insights. The meditations take us on a deep, inner journey.

Coming soon – our new free membership area with more recordings of meditations, healings and webinars! Check back…

Coming soon – our new free membership area with more recordings of meditations, healings and webinars! Check back…

Daniela Hoff - Meditation - transformation

Summer Solstice (2024)

The summer solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year, is a time of new beginnings, a time to embrace the new and let go of the old.

We will look at what we want to celebrate and invite into our lives. In this webinar we will connect deeply with the magic of the summer solstice.

Daniela Hoff - Meditation - transformation

The deep Love of the Universe (May 2024)

How can we experience the deep love of the universe, source, God. A deep inner connection to ourselves.

This love is constantly present and available to us. Often it can be difficult to perceive this connection, perhaps we are distracted or we feel blocked.
When we experience stress, anger, fear, sadness, or similar emotions, our system closes down and it is difficult to remain open to that love.
Is it possible to stay connected in our everyday life?
If we can live our lives experiencing this love, the inner connection to ourselves and the universe, we can experience more joy, a deeper intuition, more peace and trust.

Daniela Hoff, Meditation and healing, Transformation

Standing In Your Power – A Guided Meditation (2019)

In this guided meditation we will connect with our inner strength.

We look at where we take the drive to move forward in our lives and pursue our goals. Often, strength and power can be associated with ego and control. We will look at, where to find our power from our Intuition, from our heart.

Daniela Hoff, Meditation, Full Moon, Transformation

Full Moon Meditation & Healing  (October 2023)

In this full moon meditation we will use the power of the moon to support our transformation.

The moon can help us clear, transform and manifest. We will connect deeply with the magic of the moon.

Daniela Hoff, Meditation, Transformation

Coming Home – Meditation & Healing  (2019)

In this guided meditation we will look deep inside ourselves, finding “home .”

It’s a place where we’re safe, where we can drop ourselves, where we’re completely ourselves without having to be anything specific. It´s a sacret place. Here we can remember. Here we are vulnerable and strong. Our connection to our own divinity.

Daniela Hoff- Meditation - transformation- healing - opening

Staying open and connected under difficult cirumstances (2019)

In this guided meditation we will look at, where and when in our life, we close ourselves.

When we are stressed, sad, angry or afraid, our system often contracts. The flow of energy in our system, the connection to source, is then often blocked or difficult to find. When we are open, the energy can flow freely, our intuition is much stronger, synchronicity can be our constant companion. Can we still remain open, even if we are angry, afraid or stressed?
This meditation is supported with energy healing.

Daniela Hoff- Meditation - transformation - healing

Global Healing Meditation (May 2020)

We are gathering for this meditation to support healing around the globe and for ourselves.

We are focus on different areas in the world, where healing is needed, connect with it and support its transformation.
At the same time we are looking at, where in our own system the particular dynamic of that area, for example fear, loneliness, anger, etc…shows up and transform it as well.
Microcosmos and Macrocosmos- we are all connected.
Everyone matters. Everyone can make a difference.
This meditation will be supported with energy work.

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