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1:58 1:58

Validation & Self-Worth

By |2024-07-24T02:00:11+01:0024. July 2024|Nicht kategorisiert|0 Comments

Validation & Self-Worth – VortexHealing® & Meditation Wednesday, August 7th, 2pm – 3pm ET (7pm UK) In this group healing we will look at validation and self-worth. As human beings, we all have the need for validation, respect, appreciation and love, from others, but also from ourselves, self-worth, self-love, trust in ourselves,... The more we can strengthen these qualities within ourselves, the less we need external confirmation. How important is it to us, what [more...]

1:57 1:57

Free Full Moon Meditation & Group Healing

By |2024-07-25T23:49:08+01:0024. July 2024|Nicht kategorisiert|0 Comments

Free Full Moon Meditation and Group Healing (live online) Sunday, August 18th, 1-1:30pm ET (6pm UK, 19 Uhr Deutschland) In this full moon meditation we will use the power of the moon to support our transformation. The moon can help us clear, transform and manifest. In this webinar we will connect deeply with the magic of the moon, supported by energetic work and guided meditation. Register here [more...]

23:02 23:02


By |2024-07-26T00:09:29+01:0023. July 2024|Nicht kategorisiert|0 Comments

Abundance – VortexHealing® & Meditation (live online) Saturday, August 24th, 1pm – 2pm ET (6pm UK) Limited spaces. Only 8 spaces available, so we can work even deeper and with the latest VortexHealing® tools from Magical Jewel. There will be the option to join live online or you can simply receive at the time without being present online. In this group healing we will look at abundance. Abundance or lack of can show [more...]

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